Our Awards & Publications

IFACS has been the recipient of several awards in United Kingdom and United States. Our staff have disseminated knowledge and promoted conservation by publishing papers and lecturing to national and international audiences involved in the care of cultural heritage. A selected list of public lectures and presentations is seen below:


Conservation of the Interior of St. Monica’s Priory, Hoxton, London
2017 Annual Award (Runner-up), Chartered Association of Building Engineers

Conservation of the 17th-Century Ceiling Paintings by Robert Streeter in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, U.K.
2009 Annual Award (Joint winner), Oxford Preservation Trust.

Conservation of the Heraldic Panels in St George’s Hall and Painted Decoration in the Lantern Lobby at Windsor Castle
1997 Medal Awarded by HRM Queen Elizabeth II.

Conservation of the 17th-Century Ceiling Paintings in St Margaret’s Church, Ipswich, U.K.
1996 Annual Award (Runner-up), Museums and Galleries Commission

Restoration of the Interior of St. Pancras’ Chambers in St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel (Midland Grand), London, U.K.
1995 Craftsmanship in Building Conservation, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors

Conservation of the 17th-Century Ceiling Paintings in St Margaret’s Church, Ipswich, U.K.
1995 Annual Award (Distinction), Ipswich Society

Conservation of the 1894 Murals by Edward Emerson Simmons in the Criminal Court of New York, Manhattan, U.S.A
1993 Excellence in Design (Joint Winner), Art Commission of the City of New York

Restoration of the 1908-9 Rotunda Murals by Edwin Austin Abbey in the Pennsylvania State Capitol Building, Harrisburg, U.S.A.
1986 Citation, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Lectures & Publications

‘Distanced but connected; Investigation and treatment of the Poynter Cartoons from The Heritage Collections at the UK Parliament’
2024 Post prints for BAPCR conference Hand in Hand: Collaboration in Art and Conservation, Pp. 77-85.

‘ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging of white crusts in cross sections from oil cartoons by Edward Poynter in the Heritage Collections at UK Parliament’
2023, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 62, Pp. 253-267.

‘The Conservation and Technical Analysis of a 16th Century Portrait of Henry VIII, after Hans Holbein’

2018 Victoria Art Gallery, Bath, Evening lecture.

‘The Reform Club, London: The Grand British-Italian Palazzo of the Industrial Age’
2016 Studying the European Visual Arts 1800-1880, CATS Proceedings III and Archetype Publications,Pp. 9-22.

‘The Conservation of Banksy’s Grim Reaper’
2014 – 2015 British Association of Picture Conservator-Restorers, South West Conservators Group and Rotary Club of Bristol Bridge, 3 lectures in Bristol.

‘The Adaptation and Application of Studio Conservation Techniques in the Restoration of Historic Interiors’
2013 The Picture So Far – Annual Conference Celebrating 50 Years of the British Association of Picture Conservator-Restorers, The Royal Institution, London, Archetype publications, Pp. 118-122

‘The Reform Club – the Creation and Conservation of the Club House’
2011 Institute of Conservation (Historic Interiors Group), Morning Lecture and Guided Tour, The Reform Club, London.

‘The Thornhill Staircase Murals – History and Future’
2011 Friends of Sherborne House, Evening lecture, Sherborne House, Dorset

‘G. F. Watts’ Distemper Technique in Italy – A Study and Conservation of King Alfred Inciting the Saxons to Prevent the Landing of the Danes’
2011 ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference Lisbon 19-23 September 2011, Preprints, Bridgeland, J. (editor), International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation and Critério-Produção Gráfica, Lda., Lisbon, 8 p.

‘The Public and Private Face of English Baroque Wall Painting: Milgate House and Chelsea Hospital’
2007 All Manner of Murals – the History, Techniques and Conservation of Secular Wall Paintings, Conference Postprints, Gowing, R. and Pender, R. (editors), Institute of Conservation, English Heritage and Archetype Publications Ltd, London, Pp. 133-142

‘Oil on the Lady: The Conservation Treatment of the Act Drop by William Helmsley at the Gaiety Theatre’
2006 The Picture Restorer, No. 29, Pp.16-20

‘The Battle with Trafalgar’
2005 Big Pictures – Problems and Solutions for Treating Outsize Paintings, Conference Postprints, Woodcock, S. (editor), Institute of Conservation and Archetype Publications Ltd., London, Pp. 83-95

‘Project Culture – IFACS and 40 years’ Experience within the Changing Project Culture, in the UK and Abroad’
2004 Conservation 2004: Working with Project Culture – United Kingdom Institute for Conservation Annual Conference, Presentation, Liverpool

‘Alternatives to Lining – Local Moisture Treatment and Tear Mending’
2004 IIC 2004 Bilbao Congress: Modern Art New Museums, Preprints, Roy, A. and Smith, P. (editors), Archetype Publications Ltd, London, Pp. 229

‘Gazing but not Copying’ The Creation of G. F. Watts’ Alfred Inciting the Saxons to Prevent the Landing of the Danes’
2003 Apollo, November, Pp. 35-38

‘Conservation Treatment of William Dyce’s Neptune Resigning the Empire of the Sea to Britannia’
2002 United Kingdom Institute for Conservation (Paintings Section), Morning Lecture and Guided Tour, Osborne House, Isle of White

‘The Effects of Daylight’
2000 The Building Conservation Directory, Cathedral Communications ltd (published online:

‘Conservation of the Lyndhurst “Passage of the Hours”’
1992 The Picture Restorer, No. 2, Pp. 5-8

‘The Restoration of Four Large Mural Paintings’
1986 S.I. The Association of British Picture Restorers, November, 2, 29.5 cm

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